0432 114 298

Teenage Pilates

“I am passionate about teaching teenagers and young adults good biomechanics so they develop

good postural habits and movement patterns at a young age and can maintain these throughout life.”

Sessions are 45 minutes tailored to teenage bodies and needs.


Pilates helps young adults to thrive.


Teenagers benefit from individual training that is suited to their needs. Developing an awareness of their body and breathing patterns helps teenagers to be more be more confident and comfortable in their own skin. In modern life teenagers feel more pressure than ever before. The nervous system of a teenager is under constant stress. Pilates allows teenagers to calm their nervous system, improve coordination and concentration, develop a stronger more toned body and improve posture and alignment.

Private Pilates training is an ideal way for teenagers to be introduced to Pilates. It will deliver improvements to confidence, body awareness, fitness, strength and overall well-being. And also helps significantly to cure “text posture”.


Often people are introduced to Pilates in their 40s, 50s and beyond to assist in correcting poor biomechanics that have developed over many years, or as rehabilitation for an injury. Prevention is better than cure.

any body can do PILATES - Put Your Body At The Top Of Your Priority List

“I am passionate about teaching teenagers and young adults good biomechanics so they develop good postural habits and movement patterns at a young age and can maintain these throughout life.”